
I’m a 20-something from the San Francisco Bay Area.  I went to college in Arkansas and Argentina and grad school in New York and D.C. before returning home.

I took 10 years and I worked with 4 rabbis, but I eventually acquired official status within the Hebrew tribe on the 15th of Iyar, 5771, the 30th day of the Omer.  This blog documented the process of attending a class and meeting with my sponsoring rabbi, as well as many of my frustrations and joys as I integrated into the Jewish community.  Now I use it to record my life as a Jew.

I love Latin America, sound human development public policy, cooking, games, and words. I welcome comments or questions about my conversion process on my blog or via e-mail at mikvahorbust [at] gmail.

1 thought on “About

  1. Hi, thank you so much for your blog. I love it and think it is just so helpful for us converts! I am going to tell others about it.

    I am part of a group for orthodox jewish converts in NYC. We have set up a trip to Israel specifically geared towards converts and those in the process of converting and I am trying to get the word out so that we can get enough people to get a discount. could you post it to your blog and let others know about it? We would greatly appreciate it.
    Let me know, Thanks!!

    Here is the blurb and website:

    Israel Expedition for Converts

    Come join us for an unforgettable experience immersing yourself in the land ofIsrael! Designed for converts and those going through the conversion process, this 10 day trip takes you from The Golan Heights to the Dead Sea, combining sightseeing with learning tailored for the beginner. We will experience Shabbat in Jerusalem, Davening at the Kotel (the Wailing Wall), and enjoy Shabbat lunch with local families. We will visit the Galilee and Golan Heights, walk the streets of Tsfat, the medieval center of Kabbalism, hike Masada, see the modern city of Tel Aviv, and tour historic archeological excavations. During our journey, we will meet top scholars and Israeli leaders, which is an amazing opportunity not usually available to those traveling on their own.

    This trip will be led by Rabbi Maury Kelman, a lawyer and Rabbi in Manhattanwho has directed an Orthodox conversion program for over 10 years, teaching hundreds of students. Rabbi Kelman, who lived in Israel for many years, has led many tours and programs in Israel, and, utilizing his experience and personal connections, has created this trip as an opportunity for conversion students, converts and their friends to visit and learn in Israel.

    Cost will be $1375 per person plus El Al airfare, which will be booked individually by Ariel Tours, one of the most experienced and respected travel agenciesspecializing in Israel. Please visit http://www.arieltours.com/kelman for more information, including a detailed itinerary. For any other questions, please contactAriel Tours at rabbikelman@arieltours.com.

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